Though I didn't plan it this way, it seems fitting that my 100th post should be about a bunch of firsts I had this week.
Starting small, this week I listened to Snow Patrol for more than five minutes before giving up and moving on. I actually liked them this time.
Dusk in my city is rather pretty, and while the sparks flying from the light post (feeding the fire at the foot of it) added a nice touch to the overall scene, I didn't figure it was supposed to be happening. Hence my first 911 call.
This week's weather: Weekend=snow; Monday=78-degree high; Tuesday=snow. I begged a few friends to come outside and play with me on Monday night. I thought we might buy a kite. Instead, we went off-roading (and almost got stuck) in a gorgeous truck so we could get out to an isolated place, where I shot my first semi-automatic handgun. My aim was so precise that I took out several specks of dirt in one shot, nearly every time.
As a burgeoning saleswoman, I usually take my boss along with me on sales calls right now, given my track record of one (1) month's experience selling. This week, with her help, I made my first sale! It was a good one, and even though it was actually a sale I knew we'd make going into it (not only is the buyer currently featured on the cover of our magazine and has advertised with us in the past, but she's been friends with my publisher for quite awhile), it still means money in the bank to me.
The surprise, though, came only two business days later, when I went to a friendly "getting-to-know-you" meeting with a super nice woman I met in my networking group. She ended up buying advertising as well - constituting my first sale by myself! (I texted my boss to let her know and she was surprised and excited -- this sale, while admittedly much smaller, excited me billions more than the first one, given I did it without her help.)
I went out with a kid from the ward this week. We drove in his little loud-engined red sports car to a pool hall and shot a couple games (not a first, though I guess the date was a first with him). The pool hall happened to be located on our city's main "drag" (I feel so late-nineties using that term), and he told me he doesn't race because he's such a target in that car and everyone always wants to race him. However .... we happened to sit at a stoplight next to a friend of his, chatted a minute, and when the light turned green - you guessed it. My first drag race. I laughed like a kid on the Test Track ride at Disneyworld.