Wednesday, March 21, 2007

what do you think when there's nothing to think about? (thank you, Scripture Scouts)

Warning: This is not innovative. Rather, something you've all probably done. I just felt like doing it. And who knows; one day I might do it again. Deal.

Today I was in the testing center. Taking a test. As I was sitting there, I decided to try and remember the things I was thinking about that were unrelated to my test. Here's what I can remember (I was in there for about 45 minutes).

-Ahhh ... hahhahaha:) ... I know why Robert Poste has that empty mechanical pencil along with this regular pencil. This eraser is no good. I should probably tell him so he knows not to separate them.
-What do you do when you don't have an eraser, anyway?
-Just don't make any mistakes.
-Wow, that kid looks like a kid I went on a date with a couple years ago.
-Hey, is that my ex-boyfriend's sister? I'll wait until she gets up and try to see. I can't tell from here.
-flippin is going to make fun of me for this.
-I'm starving. I wish ... oh yah, I have candy in my bag! Thank you, Mom.
-Dangit, the proctor is walking by. I don't think I'm supposed to be getting stuff out of my bag.
-Waiting ...
-I may as well write some stuff on my test.
-DANGIT. ::erases:: That wasn't so bad ... okay ... kinda bad, though:)
-She's going to think I'm cheating no matter what, cuz I keep watching all the people around me.
-Dude, that girl looks like my friend's wife. She isn't.
-Awww, geez. That girl who might have been my ex's sister has been replaced with someone else! grrr. That's what I get for paying attention to my test.
-OK, I'm not waiting anymore. That proctor is gone enough.
-Where is my candy? There are tons of Advil packets in here. I swear there's candy in here, too.
-Ooh, orange admist all the white packets. That's it.
-What the heck is on that M&M? ::laughs, then looks around guiltily:: Are those devil horns? I think these are from Halloween.
-This Three Musketeers smells like a tire store. Has it always been this way?
-I am never going to remember all this.
-Listening to yourself think is maddening. We as humans never listen to ourselves think. I wish I could have some sort of narrator or computer program for this, because there is no accurate way to record it all in a pure state. It's the test-subject phenomenon; this should always be done blind.
-This test question is technically unethical.
-Uggghhhh, not again. ::erases:: That was better that time.
-My ex's sister's replacement has been replaced! Man, that must be the magic chair where you get done fast. I should have taken my test in that one. Except that's one of the blue chairs that I HATE.
-::jump:: The girl in front of me just flipped her hair onto my desk, and it made a significant sound. That's impressive.
-Oh, I know her. Hello!
-I think she's married, right? .... Yep, I was right.
-I wonder if that guy is married.
-Dang these people in front of me ... maybe when he puts his bag down I'll be able to ... nope. Oh, well.
-I wonder who is married around me? I like to guess on this one before I check...
-I wonder if there's a statistically significant "look" to married people? Cuz I'm often right.
-It isn't that I found that kid particularly attractive. Although he may be. I wasn't really paying attention. I just like to guess.
-This kid next to me is that guy who was studying in that group out on the lawn as I was coming in.
-Not married.
-I was right.
-He's been in here since before I was.
-Hey, I haven't wanted any candy in awhile. That's pretty good.
And, cut.

::Editor's Note::

Just for you, Mom, I fixed the 'crap's. Also, a bit of a redemption: I read through a lot of this and noticed that this was I think the only entry where I used the word at all. :)


Scarlet Flamingo said...

I've heard you are what you think about. That makes you candy, erasers and...married people?


Liz said...

With a football field-sized room full of people, whose mind wouldn't wander? ;-)

Hope your test went well!

Brooklyn said...

Hahahahahhahahahah! Scarlet Flamingo, were you quoting the song?

1) Hey, I was noticing single people, too.
2) I want to clear up that I eat more than just candy. I also eat a ton of French toast.
3) Maybe erasers is a euphamism for repentance. I could just be exceptionally righteous;)
4) Thanks for the support, Liz:P

BJ Homer said...

You and euphemisms...

Brooklyn said...

What? I just happen to have "lots."


Ben said...

Um...this is me making fun of you.

Anonymous said...

you use the word "crap" an awful lot. didn't your mother teach you any better?

Olympus said...
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Olympus said...

Hahahaha. Good call ... sorry ... although I do try not to say "stupid" ;) I'll watch that. thanks, Mom. or Cousin, as the case may be. But probably Mom. :)

Lamferswldc said...

Um...this is me making fun of you.