Friday, April 6, 2007

coke ad

make it the latest trend, then abandon it, and start a new one. make it something that turns heads. make it real. make it you. make it an overheated sewing machine at 3 a.m. make it transform a pile of scrap fabric into a next level handbag. make it new. make it sparkle. make it do the talking for you. make it something that everyone will call a statement, but you'll just call a random tuesday.

(taken from the back of a receipt, taken from my purse. taken from a framed page on the wall of the girls' restroom at the Malt Shoppe. my roommates thought I fell in.)

my version:

coming soon.


Rachel Helps said...

Bathroom poetry is the way to go. It's the next postsecret.

Brooklyn said...


Allie said...

Olympus, you rock.

I way agree. We should collaborate. Let's add it to our to-do lists.

Brooklyn said...

Hooray for collaboration:)