Thursday, May 31, 2007

other things I love here

-Hole-in-the-wall restaurants with menus like this:

-cheap Chinese food (where $6 gets you three meals!)
-people in my office
-international students
-a light breeze at dusk
-ukeleles :P
-red doors
-blue doors
-green doors
-red trap doors
-racial diversity
-the fact that I don't really notice racial diversity anymore
-Late to Work (the game)
-my dear friends
-unexpected situations
-a new spiritual environment

I've reached the point where every day is just every day, now. I don't notice things as passionately anymore. I think this is okay. It was wearing me out. At the same time, my time is short, so I notice some things with more interest because I know the city well enough now to know what I want from it. For instance, part of my birthday present is a visit to a high-end jazz club. That's worth SO much to me. Oh:

-subway t-shirts
-availability of high-end jazz clubs
-two stores in particular
-an office that's okay if I get lost in the city on accident during my lunch break
-bottle vendors on the street

Also, the ballet was fabulous. Yeah, a long time ago. But I felt the need to update. Fabulous. Ended with some good conversation and a hot little dessert spot, with continually good music and great lighting. So pleased.

Bottle I bought for $12 for my bottle collection:


Heather said...

Do you have an Orangina bottle in your collection? Those are neat.

Olympus said...

Nope, I don't.