Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Possible symbolic references:

Man's search for meaning
Francis Scott Key's view while writing The Star-Spangled Banner
Social networking usage

This was a post because I wanted to post, not because I had anything real to say. I was just playing this game tonight because I played it a lot in high school (the "try to find something symbolic and utterly useless in any object around you" game), and I thought it would be fun. Turns out it was fun, but was too easy ... nearly cliche - so much so that I didn't include almost any of what I thought of. "Colorful explosions" aren't exactly a rare descriptive tool.

Maybe I have stuff to say, too, but not right now. Suffice it to share this, and the fact that I bought The Fugitive and The Client today for six dollars each. Yay hooray.

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