Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I just sent this list of questions to my coworkers to use for their company bios. I was impressed with myself. Dear readers, feel free to answer these in the comments, on your blogs, at your dinner table tonight or for your own company bios. Awesome.

-What is your favorite wood?
-What's your favorite children's book?
-If you had a 3'x3' patch of wall space with which to do whatever you wanted, what would it look like when you were done?
-Describe your family using the Periodic Table of Elements: http://www.webelements.com/ (You can click on each element for a description.)
-What has been your favorite project in your work history?
-If you had to mix any three liquids and drink it, what would they be?
-If you had to mix any three liquids and make someone else drink it, what would they be?
-What's your favorite thing about our company?
-Why did you want to work here?
-What purpose do you fill at our company?
-If our company had a mascot, what would it be?
-Describe your favorite room in your house.
-Tell me about your life.
-At work, what organizational tool could you not live without?
-What's your favorite book and why?
-What's your favorite movie and why?
-That you've ever tried, whose macaroni recipe do you like the best?
-What's your favorite sport?
-Which hat best fits you and why? (beret, football helmet, baseball cap, fedora, darth vader mask, one of those Chinese cone hats, sombrero, etc)
-What's your favorite class you've ever taken and why?
-What's been your greatest professional/scholastic challenge?
-Describe the funniest commercial you've ever seen.
-Describe a commercial that once made you cry. If you've never cried at a commercial, give an answer about why you feel like you had to lie about this - we're all friends here.


Anonymous said...

-Acacia is cheap, grows quickly, and has a nice muted color.
-Hard to say. If you're okay with older kids' books, then The Little Prince. If not, probably Harold and the Purple Crayon.
-I would scribble on it with purple crayon.
-Lutetium - white, rare, and stable in air
-Doing the bimonthly publication here has been both my most hated and most beloved project, mostly because it's so dang difficult and I figured out how to make it much more efficient and I'm proud of that
-Sprite, mint flavor syrup, and cream
-Sprite, lime juice, and cherry grenadine
-My favorite thing about my company is my two coworkers. They make me laugh.
-I wanted to work here because I was desperate for a job and this one looked too good to be true: stable 9-5 hours, better pay than I was making, and a chance to do graphic design full time
-I fill the purpose of making agents happy. Though my title is in Marketing.
-I like our bathroom. It has dinosaurs in it.
-My life has lost a little creativity and sparkle as I let myself get lost in the world of stress and work and growing up and feeling tired all the time, but once this baby comes, I intend to bring it all back.
-Again, maybe The Little Prince. Have you read it? Amazing.
-Right now, it's Terry Gilliam's Brazil. That movie is near perfect. It's like 1984 on acid.
-Kraft with noodles shaped like Spongebob
-Wii Sports
-I have a nice photograph of myself from high school in which I'm wearing a bowler derby. I've always liked those.
-Maybe bookbinding. It was different and beautiful, and I liked that you could use somewhat imprecise means to come to a precise product.
-Maybe dealing with stress/frustration in the face of "abuse", and by abuse I mean people using me
-I like the Mrs. Butterworth Geico commercial a lot.
-Anything with babies these days.

...now you know

Brooklyn said...

Awesome :) I love it. Now I have to go read The Little Prince.

Anonymous said...

More stills on http://www.shareapic.net/users/cafeindia/

LJ said...

It's even awesome-er to realize that Kreb totally punked me. I was like, "No you didn't...did you?"