Thursday, May 3, 2007


I didn't like this place too well yesterday, so I didn't care enough to think about my day. (I think a lot of it had to do with my level of tiredness.) I didn't even go salsa tonight, like I was going to. Instead I started getting ready for bed at 9, talked on the phone awhile and was asleep by 11.

I walked home from work yesterday, looking at the people, the birds, the cars and the buildings thinking, "OK, I'm over this city. I'm done being excited and looking at all the new things, and I'm ready for a good old-fashioned something-I-know. Let's have a movie night.

So we're having a movie night:) Tonight. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. There are a lot of people here who haven't seen it - it wasn't even my idea, they just knew I had it edited and someone suggested. I am only too happy to provide:).

K, I'll try to post for real today, too.

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